What Is Lele Talk

Fully functional web application I built to enhance my full-stack development skills. It imitates most of the features of social network apps, such as posting, commenting, replying, liking, disliking, friending, and account management (password changing, profile updating, and more).

lele what

Why Lele talk

Full-stack practice: It encompasses frontend, backend, database, and API integration, providing a comprehensive learning experience.

Problem-solving: Tackling real-world challenges like user authentication, content management, and scalability enhances problem-solving skills.

lele why

How Lele talk

1. Frontend Development:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These core technologies create the user interface, layout, and interactive elements. JavaScript framework Vue.js streamline development and state management.
Responsive design:
Vuetify Js Ensures the app adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.
2. Backend Development:

Server-side language:
Node.js handle data processing, user authentication, and API requests.
MongoDB with mongoose orm store user data, posts, comments, and relationships.
Server-side frameworks:
Express.js provide structure and tools for backend development.
3. API Development:

Define endpoints for data exchange between frontend and backend using HTTP requests.
Data serialization: JSON is used to format data for efficient transmission.
Authentication and authorization:
Json Web Token.

lele how
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

