let it what

What Is Pentad

Imagine a game where you and your friends gather in a room, each holding a special card with 5 unique numbers. A machine in the center starts calling out numbers, one by one. The excitement builds as everyone eagerly checks their cards, hoping to hear their numbers called. The first person to cross off all 5 numbers on their card shouts out! and wins the game!

let it why

Why Pentad

Learning and Skill Development

  1. Full-stack Practice: It involves front-end, back-end, and client server realtime communication, providing a comprehensive learning experience.
  2. Scalability and Optimization: Implementing features like real-time number drawing and efficient matching algorithms tests development skills.
  3. Functional Project: A fully functional app showcases ability to design, build, and deploy a complete software solution.
  4. Engaging Gameplay: A well-designed game demonstrates creativity.
  5. Understanding Gaming Concepts: Building a game provides insights into game design, and the technical challenges of online gaming.
  6. Experimentation and Exploration: Trying out different technologies, like socket.io allows for technical exploration.

let it how

How Pentad

  1. Entering web address or click this link
    The app will establish a connection with the server to initiate gameplay. This might involve a brief connection time.
  2. Choose Your Numbers
    Once connected, you will have an option to select a card with 5 numbers. The numbers will be spaced 15 apart, creating a unique combination for you.choose one that feels lucky!
  3. Click Join the Game
    After selecting your card, look for a button labeled Join the Game. Clicking this button will initiate the process of joining a multiplayer game room.make sure you are able to join the game.
  4. Feel the Vibe
    Anticipate the number drawing, and cheer for your lucky numbers! Remember, the first player to mark all 5 numbers on their card wins the game!
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

